Tourist toppers from Top.Flanders

On one can find dozens of very beautiful locations, sights, etc. in French, West, East and Zeeland Flanders. Although they have of course all been judged on their beauty and other merits, there are always a number of them that are considered by us and our guests as "the real top", the top attractions in Flanders. Although such a list can and will be different for everyone, we dare to present here a number of attractions that belong to the absolute top and about which, roughly speaking, there is a large degree of consensus. At Michelin they would probably say: "Ca vaut le détour". Even more so: in a number of cases, it is even: "Celavaut la destination." 😉

What about the Terrils near Lens? The beguinage in Bruges ? The Cap Gris-Nez? And so on. Absolutely recommended!

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