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Colonne de la Grande Armée (Wimille, Pas-de-Calais)

In 2019, the "National Monuments of France" (see CMN) received more than 10 million visitors. This site is one of them. The historical site "Colonne de la Grande Armée" has a unique and beautiful viewpoint(observation platform).

In the middle of a fenced park there stands a 50-meter high stone tower with a large statue of Napoleon on it. Emperor Napoleon does not look at the England he oh so badly wants to conquer, but turns his back on it. After paying the mere sum of 4 EUR, you may begin the climb up to the small observation platform at Napoleon's feet: 269 steps you have to do. "Bon courage!" as the French would say 😉.

Tip: Wordt afgeraden voor mensen die hoogtevrees, een hartaandoening hebben of claustrofobisch zijn.

From the observation platform you have an excellent view: you can see the great basilica of Boulogne-sur-Mer, the capital of the Opal Coast, coastal towns such as Wimmereux, for example, and, of course, the canal and, in good weather, England.


Aanduiding van de locatie op de kaart van Top.Vlaanderen.
Lokatie op Google Maps.
Officiële webstek van de Colonne de la Grande Armée. ( openingsuren )
Wikipedia pagina over de Colonne de la Grande Armée (franstalig, nederlandstalig).
Toegang tot het park: gratis. Kolom bestijgen: 4 EUR (juli 2022).

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