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Mirror bunker of Leffrinkhoeke - Dune Dewulf (France)

Nice art project: a bunker was covered with thousands of pieces of mirrors. Beautiful photographic object! Is located not far from the bunker complex of Zuydcoote on the edge of the dune reserve "Dune Dewulf". The dune reserve "Dune Marchand" (Bray-Dunes) is next to it. All to visit at once 😉.


Aanduiding van de locatie op de kaart van Top.Vlaanderen.
Designation of the location on Google Maps.
Info about Leffrinkhoeke in Wikipedia (Nederlandstalig, Franstalig, Engelstalig).
Info on the Battery of Zuydcoote in Wikipedia (Nederlandstalig, Franstalig).
Photo article on the mirror bunker.
Information about the nature reserve "Dune Marchand" on the web site of "les Réserves Naturelles de France".

  • 360-180° panoramic photo of the mirror bunker "Réfléchir"

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