Historical sitesPicnicViewpoint

St. Louis Chapel (Guémy, Pas-de-Calais)

The Chapelle Saint-Louis site at Guémy includes the remains of an ancient chapel (15th century) located on a high hill. Constructed in Gothic style using soft limestone. The chapel is located along hiking trail GR 145 Via Francigena. You have a very nice viewpoint (360° view) from this 120 m high hill. This site is known to quite a few Flemings because in 2002 the VRT series "the gang of Wim"( Wim Opbrouck, Jean Blaute and Michiel Hendryckx ) landed there.

Tip for photographers: this popular spot can be quite "crowded": families gather there, wildlife campers, sun set spotters, and so on. There is not much chance that you will be alone (at least in the summer months when the weather is nice). It might be better to plan a visit early in the morning or very late in the evening (or at night) if you want to capture panoramic views with the chapel.

Tip: Do you like chapels? Then definitely don't miss visiting the little chapel in the forest of Tournehem-sur-le-Hem. It is just 8 kilometers from there.


Locatie op de kaart van Top.Vlaanderen .
Locatie op Google Maps.
Achtergrondinformatie over deze kapel op Cote-dopale.com .
Wikipedia over Guémy ( franstalig ).
Wikipedia over Tournehem-sur-la-Hem ( franstalig ).
3D model van Chapelle Saint-Louis te Guémy: sketchfab .

Photos from May 9, 2023 ( morning, fog):

Photos from Aug. 14, 2022 (evening, sunset):