Bunkerkerkhof in de Duinen van Merlimont / Blockhaus van Berck
Langsheen de Noordzee en Het Kanaal kun je diverse overblijfselen van bunkers uit Wereldoorlog II zien. Op het strand van…
Read more...Langsheen de Noordzee en Het Kanaal kun je diverse overblijfselen van bunkers uit Wereldoorlog II zien. Op het strand van…
Read more...Monument in memory of Irish fallen in World War I. The tower was inaugurated after a ceremony at 11 a.m. on the...
Read more...In Koksijde vindt er ieder jaar opnieuw, meer bepaald gedurende het eerste weekend van juli, op de lokale militaire luchthaven…
Read more...War museum built in and around one of the largest bunkers of the so-called "Atlantic Wall". Outside, one of the...
Read more...Artistic monument in the form of a giant ring on which the names of 579,606 victims out of 40...
Read more...Nice art project: a bunker was covered with thousands of pieces of mirrors. Beautiful photographic object! Located not far from the bunker complex...
Read more...This is a particularly beautiful cemetery of German soldiers from World War I. Located not far from Diksmuide. On this very...
Read more...This cemetery is particularly beautiful and intimate. It's also one of the few that can take you from a hill...
Read more...ZONNEBEKE Belgium Aanduiding van de locatie op de kaart van Top.Vlaanderen.Aanduiding van de locatie op Google Maps.Officiële webstekWikipedia pagina’s: Nederlandstalig,…
Read more...Here you can see another bunker from World War I and this in a small, beautiful park. The slopes are...