
" Le Cran " of Escalles (Escalles, France)

In the chalk cliffs near Cap Blanc-Nez there is a notch that allows you to access the beach directly: we call this a "Cran" (hole) in French. It is used by many people to get a view from the sea of the Cap Blanc-Nez, the chalk cliffs or a romantic sunset. It is also beautiful in stormy weather, so be careful!

Tip: use the tide table below to see when the tide is low or high. The weather forecast shows you whether you can expect a storm or a bright blue sky. A visit is possible in both circumstances.


Indication of the location on the map of Top.Vlaanderen .
Indication of the location on Google Maps.

Photos of the June 4, 2023 sunset:

Views of the chalk cliffs of the Opal Coast:

Pictures of the chalk cliffs in stormy weather:

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