Belgian military cemetery and Vrijbos (Houthulst, Belgium)
This large military cemetery with 1,722 Belgian World War I graves is embedded in a 352-hectare forest. It adjoins the military domain known for the DOVO Poelkapelle demining service, which has its dismantling installations there. DOVO is the abbreviation of "Dienst voor Opruiming en Vernietiging van Ontploffingstuigen". By the way, did you know that in the year 2022, for example - just to give you an idea of the scope of its activities - this service turned out no less than 2,334 times? In 2019, it was even some 3,655 times!
This site was included in the UNSECO World Heritage list in 2023. So it is considered a world heritage site.
Don't miss out on the size of the forest. Although 352 hectares can already be considered a larger forest as a forest, the public portion is significantly smaller. After all, there are no less than 200 hectares of military domain (completely surrounded by wire), only 67 hectares of accessible state forest and another 85 hectares of private domain. Deer are regularly spotted in the forest. It is a relatively young forest: it was almost completely destroyed during the First World War. Afterwards it was replanted.
HOUTHULST BelgiumAanduiding van de locatie op de kaart van Top.Vlaanderen.
Aanduiding van de begraafplaats op Google Maps.
Agentschap Natuur & Bos pagina over het Vrijbos.
Wikipedia pagina over het Vrijbos.
Officiële webpagina van DOVO.
Photos from Jan. 25, 2024 - cemetery:
Photos from Jan. 25, 2024 - forest :
360° photos from May 9, 2020: